Madelin Gomez Philanthropy Leave a Comment 3088 Views

The story behind my passion …

Today’s post is all about Feeding South Florida.  Most of you do not know that one of my biggest passions is my love for humanity. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been drawn to helping those in need. I feel that I inherited this need to help others from my  grandfather who passed it down onto my father.

Vivid images of my grandfather giving food, supplies, and money to people have remained encrypted on my mental rolodex. Unfortunately, he passed away when I was nine. But, the passion he left behind remains engraved in my soul. My father’s example continued to cultivate this passion and it remains one of my biggest priorities.


I am very discreet about what I do. As a result, my volunteering experiences are normally only shared with family and friends.  The realization that this was not enough came to mind. This created a desire to make a stronger impact and the need to join an organization that shared this same passion with me.

This is where Miami Model Citizens come into play with Feeding South Florida…

I am delighted to have joined in Miami Model Citizens mission. MMC is a charity foundation which focus is to make an impact upon the South Florida community through charity volunteerism and philanthropy to benefit children as well as animals in need and promote overall health and wellness.


On Saturday afternoon, I had the honor to join MMC in this month’s charity event that took place at Feeding South Florida. FSF is the leading domestic hunger-relief organization in South Florida. They serve 25% of Florida’s food insecure population and rescues 44 million pounds of food per year. (that’s a whole lot of pounds)

In the FSF facility, we inspected and sorted through boxes upon boxes of donated goods by separating them according to their packing conditions, expiration dates, and type of product. Helping is this incredible cause has made me feel extremely blessed. My heart smiled as I watched so many people give up their Saturday afternoon to make a difference in our community.


If you would like to help MMC and I make a difference in South Florida, please email me at info@museofstyle.com. Volunteers are always needed so the more the merrier. Hope to hear from you soon.

With Love,
